Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Reflective Summary

I have managed to shape my Contemporary Technologies project around a subject and processes that I have really enjoyed, making the assignment a real pleasure. Artistically I am always drawn to natural forms, especially birds. I think audiences find these themes aesthetically pleasing too due to a primal connection that we cannot detach ourselves from. Nature is everywhere, it was here long before we arrived, and will no doubt out live us humans. It s these thoughts which make natural forms so primitive, and is a recognisable basis that everyone can relate to.
My idea of pigeons migrating via the internet stemmed from a visit to the ‘Flock’ event at The Big Draw which used the idea of a flock of birds migrating to other countries in the post, however I adopted this idea and shaped it around my contemporary technologies brief, developing it to provide many outcomes.
I began experimenting with different origami techniques that I could use as my basis, after deciding which structure to create I made a visual tutorial and designed a paper to use which featured a pigeon pattern. I recorded a video of pigeons which I used as a source of visual reference and also did some initial drawings in my sketch book. Many artists work fed into my project, such as origami artists like Miho Aishima whose work was very inspirational when considering the final forms her work takes. Also I have looked at other illustrators like Harriet Russell, who was interesting to look when thinking about the design of my ‘Passenger Pigeon Information Packs’ in regards to her illustrated envelopes. I have used processes such as print making to add an eye catching element to my work, decorating envelopes with my pigeon designs. I then left these envelopes (‘Passenger Pigeon Information Packs’) on the tube so that my pigeons could travel to other areas and hopefully people will discover them and follow the instructions inside. I also sent a pack to a pigeon recovery sanctuary and I plan to send more to other bird sanctuaries as a way of spreading information about the Passenger Pigeon whose extinct species I chose to concentrate on.
This assignment has transformed my outlook when considering projects, as usually I am a very practical creator, preferring to hand make and craft. However this venture has leaded me to use contemporary technologies to develop my ideas, an aspect which I will be implementing when creating work in the future.

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